Author - zgadmin

Tsedey Bank S.C Holds its general assembly

Tsedey Bank S.C holds first Shareholders’ ordinary and extraordinary general assembly onDecember 31, 2022.The bank is transformed from Amhara Credit and Savings Institution (ACSI) on April 03, 2021 with huge paid-up capital of more than 7.75 billion birr.The chairperson of board of directors Mr. Gedu Andargachew announced that the bank has earned 1.4 billion birr net profit. The chairperson has also disclosed as the outstanding loan has reached 28.8 billion birr. Tsedey Bank has more than 12 million customers where...

Evaluates 10 Months Performances

Tsedey bank head office managers, District executives and auditorspresented in 10 months plan and performance evaluation meeting held inBahir Dar. Over the last ten months, performance has been low over allstandards. Outstanding problems and the underlying values of theinstitution highly contributes for performance reduction. The incidenceof coronavirus infection is a further cause of the reduction inperformance, and it has been raised by the forum that all efforts shouldbe made to improve the performance of our institution alongsideprevention.

Electronic Payment

Tsedey Bank has undertaken electronic payment for more than 380households financed with Productive safety-Net Program (PSNP) Tsedey Bank has agreed with governmental and non-governmentalorganizations to provide e-payment services for the community. Accordingto Tsedey Bank Business Data Manager Mr. Derje Chanie, the institutionhas providing modern PSNP e-payment services for 40 districts of theregion. Rural saving cooperatives have providing these e-paymentservices beside to tsedey Bank branchs and satellite offices. The service has been undertaking for more than 380 thousand farmers inusing mobile banking system...


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