Tsedey Bank
Who We are
Tsedey Bank has a rich history within Ethiopia's financial landscape. Its roots trace back to 1995 when the Organization for Rehabilitation and Development Ethiopia (ORDA-Ethiopia) established it as a department focused on rural credit. In April 1997, it transformed into a licensed microfinance company named Amhara Credit & Savings Institution (ACSI). Starting small with 3 million birr and a team of 40, ACSI served the microfinance sector for a quarter-century. Finally, in January 2022, Tsedey Bank officially secured its banking license from the National Bank of Ethiopia. Today, Tsedey Bank is a major force, catering to over 14 million customers nationwide, with over 1 million actively using loan services. The bank's financial strength is evident in its total assets Birr 56.6 billion and capital surpassing Birr 12.8 billion. It ensures a rapidly growing national presence with a network exceeding 627 branches and a human capital exceeding 13,000 employees. Tsedey Bank offers a wide range of domestic and international services, all underpinned by exceptional customer service. Tsedey Bank further distinguishes itself by providing comprehensive Shariah-compliant, interest-free banking services named 'Arhibu'.
Tsedey Bank works in partnership with European Union- International Fund for Agricultural Development, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Agriculture Transformation Institute (ATI) and Women Entrepreneurs Development Project (WEDP).
Tsedey Bank distinguishes itself through its:
Extensive network: With a broad presence in rural Ethiopia, Tsedey Bank is accessible to a vast and undeserved population.
Significant lending portfolio: The bank caters to a large customer base, providing financial resources to over 1 million loan clients.
Award-winning performance: Tsedey Bank's dedication to excellence is recognized by its distinction as the first Ethiopian financial institution to receive an African Bankers Award.
Commitment to social responsibility: The bank prioritizes giving back to the community, fostering a well-deserved reputation for corporate social responsibility, and many more.
Our Mission
Greatly contributing to the socio-economic transformation of Ethiopia by providing modern, inclusive and efficient banking services using the best available systems and technologies and through the hard work and commitment of its highly competent staff.
Our Vision
To become the leading inclusive and transformative commercial bank in Ethiopia by the year 2030.
Core Value
- Professionalism
- Integrity
- Service Excellence
- Sense of Ownership
- Inclusiveness
Currency Exchange
Tsedey Bank S.C Foreign Currency Exchange Rate as at
Currency | Currency Code | Buying | Selling |
US DOLLAR | USD | 125.0753 | 127.5768 |
EURO | EUR | 128.9651 | 131.5445 |
POUND STERLING | GBP | 152.8921 | 155.9499 |
UAE DIRHAM | AED | 34.0498 | 34.7308 |
SWISS FRANC | CHF | 137.1741 | 139.9175 |
SWIDSH KRONER | SEK | 11.2185 | 11.4429 |
NORWIGIAN KRONER | NOK | 11.0189 | 11.2393 |
DANISH KRONER | DKK | 17.2842 | 17.6299 |
DJIBOUTI FRANK | DJF | 0.7005 | 0.7145 |
INDIAN RUPEE | INR | 1.4475 | 1.4764 |
JAPANESE YEN | JPY | 0.7975 | 0.8134 |
CANADIAN DOLAR | CAD | 87.2030 | 88.9471 |
AUSTRAIAN DOLTAR | AUD | 77.6217 | 79.1742 |
SAUDI RIYAL | SAR | 33.3232 | 33.9897 |
SOUTH AFRICA RAND | ZAR | 6.6277 | 6.7602 |
CHINESE YUAN | CNY | 17.0591 | 17.4002 |
KUWAITI DINAR | KWD | 405.2940 | 413.3999 |
KENYA SHILING | KES | 0.9640 | 0.9833 |
CASH | |||
Currency | Currency Code | Buying | Selling |
US DOLLAR | USD | 125.0753 | 127.5768 |
EURO | EUR | 128.9651 | 131.5445 |
POUND STERLING | GBP | 152.8921 | 155.9499 |
UAE DIRHAM | AED | 34.0498 | 34.7308 |
Paid up Capital
Total Capital
Product and Services
Basic deposit services provided by Tsedey Bank are:
Demand deposit, Fixed Time deposit, Youth Saving Account, Women Saving Account, Child Trust Fund Account, Special Saving Accounts, and Accounts for Minors.
View More »Interest Free Banking
Tsedey Bank provides specialized Interest-Free Banking financing and saving products.
The bank has financing products with the brand names of: Murabah, Istisna, Salam, and Qerd
Saving products of the bank are: Wadiah/Safekeeping/Accounts, Unrestricted Mudarebah investment Accounts & Foreign Currency Deposit Accounts.
Our products and services are tailored to serve and fulfill the needs of our esteemed customers.
View More »Loan
Group loan, Individual loan, Asset loan, Micro and Small Enterprise loan, agricultural inputs loan and Technology Loans are basically mentioned among the common credit service loans.
View More »International Banking
Tsedey Bank Provides Import, Export and Foreign Bank guarantees ,remittance and foreign exchange services in its International banking offices.
View More »Corporate Social Responsibility
Tsedey Bank establishes athletics club
Tsedey Bank established athletics club to boost its community services.
The Club was established in West Gojam Zone, Degadamot District, Feres Bet City on September 16, 2011 with 60 athletes (35 female and 25 male) 2 coaches and a manager. Currently, the club has 50 athletes and 3 coaches a manager.
It is one of the proofs that Tsedey Bank is annually allocating huge amount of budget and contributing a lot in community services.
Tsedey Bank is contributing a lot in several community services.
Tsedey Bank builds a house for the man who planted palm trees in Bahir Dar for the first time.
Tsedey Bank built a house for the man who planted palm trees in Bahir Dar city for the first time.
Bahir Dar, one of the most beautiful cities in Ethiopia, is known for its palm trees, Lake Tana and River Abay.
Tsedey Bank’s support for people affected by natural disaster
Tsedey Bank has offered different supports for people affected by natural disaster in Amhara Region.
The bank is known for its support in different development activities as well.
Tsedey Bank inaugurates general secondary school.
Tsedey Bank inaugurated a general secondary school built in Wahgemira Administration Zone.
The school was built with 13.2 million birr and it was one of the corporate social responsibilities of the bank in 2022 FY.
Tsedey Bank constructed the school in Waghemira, one of the administrations of Amhara Regional State where school infrastructure is below the minimum standard.
Tsedey Bank contrbuites 15 million birr
Tsedey bank contrbuited 15 million birr for corona prevantion, 25 million birr for Amhara Region displaced people and other many millions for different issues.
•የባንክ አገልግሎት ላላገኙ የኅብረተሰብ ክፍሎች ቀድመን የደረስን ነን ማለታችን ነው!
•ሁሉንም ማሕበረሰብ በተግባር እያገለገልን ነው ማለታችን ነው!
•14 ሚሊዮን የሚደርሱ ደንበኞች ያሉን ሁሉንም አካታች ባንክ ነን ማለታችን ነው!
•ከ 1 ሚሊዮን በላይ ለሚሆኑ ደንበኞቻችን ብድር በመስጠት ከሚሊዮኖች ለሚሊዮኖች የተረፍን ባንክ ነን ማለታችን ነው!
•ከአጠቃላይ የብድር ሥርጭታችን ከ40 በመቶ በላይ የሚሆነውን ለሴቶች በማበደር የፋናንስ አካታችነትን በተግባር የኖርን ባንክ ነን ማለታችን ነው!
•የቁጠባ ብቻ ሳይሆን የብድር ሥርጭታችንም ሁሉንም ያማከለ መሆኑን በተግባር ያሳየን ባንክ ነን ማለታችን ነው!
•በቡድን ብድር ለሚሊዮኖች ኑሮ መሻሻል ደማቅ ዐሻራ ያሳረፍን ነን ማለታችን ነው!
•የአገልግሎት አድማሳችንን በመላው ኢትዮጵያ በፍጥነት እያደረስን ያለን ባንክ ነን ማለታችን ነው!
•በአጠቃላይ ከእሴቶቻችን መካከል “አካታችነት” የሚለውን እሴታችን በተግባር የምንኖር ባንክ ነን ማለታችን ነው!
ፀደይ ባንክ! የሁሉም ባንክ!
Tsedey Bank! Bank for all!
Latest News
አዲስ ዜና አለን!፡
ለክቡራን ደንበኞቻችን! የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ባንክ በሰጠው መመሪያ መሰረት ከዛሬ ረቡዕ ታኅሣሥ 23 ቀን 2017 ዓ.ም (January 1, 2025) ጀምሮ በአዲስ አበባ... read more
የጠቅላላ ጉባኤ ጥሪ ማስታዎቂያ
የፀደይ ባንክ አ.ማ የባለአክሲዮኖች 5ኛ መደበኛ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ እና 3ኛ አስቸኳይ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ የጉባኤ ጥሪ በኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ህግ ቁጥር 1243/2013 አንቀጽ... read more
የጨረታ ማስታዎቂያ
ፀደይ ባንክ (አ.ማ) ለአቶ ጌታቸው አባት ለሰጠው ብድር በዋስትና የያዛቸውን በሰንጠረዡ የተዘረዘሩ መኖሪያ ቤቶችን በአዋጅ ቁጥር 97/90 በተሸሻለው አዋጅ ቁጥር... read more
ፀደይ ባንክ ከኢትዮጵያ ምርት ገበያ ባለስልጣን ጋር የክፍያ አጋርነት የመግባቢያ ሰነድ ተፈራረመ፡፡
ፀደይ ባንክ ከኢትዮጵያ ምርት ገበያ ባለስልጣን ጋር አብሮ ለመስራት የሚያስችለውን የመግባቢያ ሰነድ ዛሬ ጥቅምት 8/2017 ዓ.ም ተፈራርሟል፡፡ ስምምነቱ ፀደይ ባንክ የኢትዮጵያ... read more
የፀደይ ባንክ አ.ማ የባለአክሲዮኖች 4ኛ መደበኛ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ ጥሪ
ለተከበራችሁ የፀደይ ባንክ አ.ማ ባለአክሲዮኖች፤ የፀደይ ባንክ አ.ማ የባለአክሲዮኖች 4ኛው መደበኛ ጠቅላላ ጉባዔ (የተደገመ) በኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ህግ ቁጥር 1243/2013 አንቀጽ 366፤... read more
ለውድ የፀደይ ባንክ ደንበኞች!
መንግሥት በቅርቡ ባወጣው የተጨማሪ እሴት ታክስ አዋጅ ቁጥር 1341/2016 መሠረት የፋይናንስ ተቋማት በሚሰጧቸው አገልግሎቶች ላይ ተጨማሪ እሴት ታክስ እንዲሰበስቡ ተመላክቷል፡፡ ባንካችን... read more
ፀደይ ባንክ ድጋፍ ለሚሹ ሕጻናት ግማሽ ሚሊዮን ብር በሚጠጋ ወጪ የትምሕርት ቁሳቁስ ድጋፍ አደረገ፡፡
ፀደይ ባንክ ግማሽ ሚሊዮን ብር በሚጠጋ ወጪ ድጋፍ ለሚሹ 500 ተማሪዎች 500 ደርዘን ደብተር እና 50 ፓኬት እስክርቢቶ ድጋፍ አድርጓል። ሰውን... read more
ፀደይ ባንክ በስካይ ላይት ሆቴል የሐዋላ አውደ ርዕይ እየተሳተፈ፤ የሐዋላ ፕሮዳክቶቹንም እያስተዋዎቀ ነው፡፡
ፀደይ ባንክ የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ባንክ ባዘጋጀው “ደቦ” የተሰኘ የሐዋላ ፍሰት ግንዛቤ ማስጨበጫ አውደ ርዕይ ላይ እየተሳተፈ ይገኛል:: በአውደ ርዕዩ ባንኩ "ታታሪዎቹ"... read more
January 2025
አዲስ ዜና አለን!፡
ለክቡራን ደንበኞቻችን! የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ባንክ በሰጠው መመሪያ መሰረት ከዛሬ ረቡዕ ታኅሣሥ 23 ቀን 2017 ዓ.ም (January 1, 2025) ጀምሮ በአዲስ አበባ... read more
December 2024
የጠቅላላ ጉባኤ ጥሪ ማስታዎቂያ
የፀደይ ባንክ አ.ማ የባለአክሲዮኖች 5ኛ መደበኛ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ እና 3ኛ አስቸኳይ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ የጉባኤ ጥሪ በኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ህግ ቁጥር 1243/2013 አንቀጽ... read more
October 2024
የጨረታ ማስታዎቂያ
ፀደይ ባንክ (አ.ማ) ለአቶ ጌታቸው አባት ለሰጠው ብድር በዋስትና የያዛቸውን በሰንጠረዡ የተዘረዘሩ መኖሪያ ቤቶችን በአዋጅ ቁጥር 97/90 በተሸሻለው አዋጅ ቁጥር... read more
ፀደይ ባንክ ከኢትዮጵያ ምርት ገበያ ባለስልጣን ጋር የክፍያ አጋርነት የመግባቢያ ሰነድ ተፈራረመ፡፡
ፀደይ ባንክ ከኢትዮጵያ ምርት ገበያ ባለስልጣን ጋር አብሮ ለመስራት የሚያስችለውን የመግባቢያ ሰነድ ዛሬ ጥቅምት 8/2017 ዓ.ም ተፈራርሟል፡፡ ስምምነቱ ፀደይ ባንክ የኢትዮጵያ... read more
የፀደይ ባንክ አ.ማ የባለአክሲዮኖች 4ኛ መደበኛ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ ጥሪ
ለተከበራችሁ የፀደይ ባንክ አ.ማ ባለአክሲዮኖች፤ የፀደይ ባንክ አ.ማ የባለአክሲዮኖች 4ኛው መደበኛ ጠቅላላ ጉባዔ (የተደገመ) በኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ህግ ቁጥር 1243/2013 አንቀጽ 366፤... read more
ለውድ የፀደይ ባንክ ደንበኞች!
መንግሥት በቅርቡ ባወጣው የተጨማሪ እሴት ታክስ አዋጅ ቁጥር 1341/2016 መሠረት የፋይናንስ ተቋማት በሚሰጧቸው አገልግሎቶች ላይ ተጨማሪ እሴት ታክስ እንዲሰበስቡ ተመላክቷል፡፡ ባንካችን... read more
September 2024
ፀደይ ባንክ ድጋፍ ለሚሹ ሕጻናት ግማሽ ሚሊዮን ብር በሚጠጋ ወጪ የትምሕርት ቁሳቁስ ድጋፍ አደረገ፡፡
ፀደይ ባንክ ግማሽ ሚሊዮን ብር በሚጠጋ ወጪ ድጋፍ ለሚሹ 500 ተማሪዎች 500 ደርዘን ደብተር እና 50 ፓኬት እስክርቢቶ ድጋፍ አድርጓል። ሰውን... read more
ፀደይ ባንክ በስካይ ላይት ሆቴል የሐዋላ አውደ ርዕይ እየተሳተፈ፤ የሐዋላ ፕሮዳክቶቹንም እያስተዋዎቀ ነው፡፡
ፀደይ ባንክ የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ባንክ ባዘጋጀው “ደቦ” የተሰኘ የሐዋላ ፍሰት ግንዛቤ ማስጨበጫ አውደ ርዕይ ላይ እየተሳተፈ ይገኛል:: በአውደ ርዕዩ ባንኩ "ታታሪዎቹ"... read more