Tsedey Bank discusses with African Resilience Investment Accelerator.
Tsedey Bank S.C held a discussion with African Resilience Investment Accelerator to establish business relationship. The discussion took place at the bank’s headquarters on January 23, 2024.
Ato Mekonnen Yelewemwesen, president of Tsedey Bank, and vice presidents participated in the discussion. In the fruitful discussion with ARIA, they advised on the points that can be used to create business relations in the future.
Members of the African Resilience Investment Accelerator are: British International Investment, Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank, US International Development Finance Corporation, Proparco, FinDev Canada, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), in its role as Financial Institution for International Development Cooperation (Observer), JICA (Observer), Swedfund, International Finance Corporation, African Development Bank, European Investment Bank (Observer) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Observer).
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